The Bull in America’s China Shop

Stephen Gercak
4 min readNov 23, 2020

America is now two weeks past the November presidential election and as I watch and read the comings and goings of the nation’s “leaders” I find myself completely dumbfounded and disappointed with those that we have elected. When I say “leaders” I am mainly referring to our outgoing president Mr. Donald J. Trump and his impetulant, childish and down right dangerous behavior following his loss and the nonexistent transition of power to our new president.

America is in a very dangerous position as cases of the CoronaVirus drastically rise and local governments are forced to put curfews in place and businesses are forced to close in hopes of wrangling in this expected rise of cases. What this country needs right now is help, guidance and a strong leader who can put Americans at ease and put assistance where it is needed the most to help its people and economy. This is not what America has right now. What America has is a leader who has the temperament of a 4 year old toddler who was told to get their hand out of the cookie jar and is now throwing a temper tantrum on the floor of the kitchen.

Our president is hiding away in the white house and avoiding any contact with the media while he takes to twitter and types out unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud and tampering in all caps like an uneducated and unpresidential simpleton. While he hides, his PERSONAL lawyer Rudy Giuliani, with his sweaty cheap hair dye running down his face, screams from the mountain tops of voter fraud without proof in front of the cameras. This same Rudy Giuliani then goes into court with cases HE and his fellow brainwashed Trump lawyers have brought against various states and proclaims that their cases are not to prove voter fraud. Please Mr. Trump and Mr. Giuliani please explain to me why you are filing these cases if you know there was no fraud. Please explain to me what you hope to achieve.

While the president and his playground bullies carry out their plan that they had set up months before the election he is putting Americans in more danger everyday. He has fired the country’s defense secretary because Trump saw him as unloyal. Mind you, this is the ONLY member of his cabinet that stood up to him and spoke out against Trump’s desire to use federal troops to quell the riots that swept the nation last spring (if this does not scare you, it should). Mr. Trump goes about crying about the election that he lost while his constituents are losing their homes, unable to provide food for their families and having to spend this Thanksgiving away from their loved ones because of his incompetence.

As America suffers, its president is more interested in dismantling as much of the government and its assistance organizations as he can to make the Biden presidency as difficult as possible. These are not the actions of a president who wants to make America great again. These are the actions of a child who is upset because his parents told him no and is now destroying the house to make them pay. Who is Donald Trump really hurting?

America… Donald Trump is hurting America and the “Trumpers” need to wake up from their trance and see this!

One would think that a president that needs to be praised and treated like a king would spend his last months in office securing his legacy and making it a positive one. Instead Donald Trump is making a mockery of his presidency and the country on the international stage. Donald Trump’s legacy will be one of lies, deceit, bullying, failures, division and immature behaviors. This is a time for the president to push through a large CoronaVirus relief package, solidifying our foreign troops during the transfer of power and doing what he can to assist the incoming president take care of the people of America. Instead he is sabotaging the country and violating the very oath he took to defend the constitution and defend against all enemies both forgein and domestic. Donald Trump is America’s most dangerous enemy right now. History will not look favorably on the presidency of Donald Trump and any of his perceived accomplishments.

America and her people are strong and resilient and have already made the first step in making this country great again. The people spoke and their voices were loud. The people of America overwhelmingly decided that Donald Trump is not the president they want or need and everyone can hear their voice except for the one that really needs to hear it. While we suffer through this stage in our history and attempt to avoid an already looming civil war we must all remember that our government was created for the people and by the people in hopes that we all are able to realize the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that were given to ALL Americans.

America will survive the Donald J. Trump presidency. The president does not define America… THE PEOPLE DO!



Stephen Gercak

Visionary | Non-Partisan American | Non-Denominational | Gen Xer | Dad | Corporate Pawn | Writer | Skeptic | American Democratic Republic Movement